Campus Crusade


The crux of our concept marries real space and the cyber realm, with the outcome of a mini game resulting in the allocation of real territory. This isn’t like an ordinary game that relies on points and coins – the winner gains status with their name/avatar being displayed on the game map, essentially ‘owning’ those real spaces. The more territory you own – the cooler you are! With no real score-based system displayed to the players, the game awards territory to the winning player…but also takes into account their number of previous wins to losses.
To win, the current ruler of a space/territory, the challenger must move into that area and play a mini game against another present player. This fosters social interaction between players and also prompts them to move to new areas in order to gain more territory. Initial brainstorming saw our game ideas skyrocket, but to bring the concept back down to earth, we’ve decided to make it available only at UOW.


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